07:00 Departure from Cairo to Fayoum
09:00 Arrival Kom Aushim town, turn right and get the desert for Qasr El-Sagha Temple, following a track. On the way stop at the prehistory site – a chance to see the primitive tools used by prehistory people and explore the desert.
11:00 Arrival and visit the temple of Qasr El-Sagha.
11:30 Climbing Qasr El-Sagha to visit Deir Abo Lifa(optional)
12:15 Arrival Abo Lifa caves, rest, visit them and go down.
13:15 Rest & lunch at Qasr El-Sagha Temple.
14:15 Drive towards Simet El Sibaa Graeco-Roman town.
15:15 Arrival and visit the town and see the remarkable enclosure wall and the ancient caravan road, then hike towards Qarun lake northern shore(3 KM)
Cars will go empty with the assistants to set up tents as a camp on the shoreline
16:30 Arrival the shoreline. Explore the stunning virgin shoreline and bird watching.
18:00 Drive back to Cairo.
12:00 Arrival to Cairo